Monday, November 24, 2008


Sam constantly brings the camera up to me now and says cheese. He usually turns away before I can actually get a picture though. This time he wanted Mommy and Sammy to say cheese. Everyone says Sam looks like me, I guess I can see it. He is just a lot cuter, I don't think I could pull off the cheeks.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

ABC's and 123's

Sam is talking like crazy these days. It amazes me from day to day what he says and understands. He is not usually one to say anything when you ask on command- guess he is already letting me know he has a mind of his own. I was able to capture this little clip on video. For some reason he seems to be partial to the letters EFG and numbers 1 and 3. Sam definitely has the cadence of the MIZ-ZOU chant down but is still working on sounding out the letters. For awhile now he has been doing the MIZ ZOU whenever he sees a football game on T.V. He suprised us last night when we were at the store, he saw a Mizzou shirt and started in on his MIZ-ZOU chant- it made his Mommy so proud! I think he definitely got the Mizzou fan gene from my side of the family.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

My boys.

I realize that poor Richter and Buzzy have not been mentioned on our blog much since we started. I don't think it is uncommon but they have gone down in status in our house since Sam arrived. We do still love them and Sam really loves them. The dogs are really great with Sam. They put up with him hugging them, aggressively petting them, pulling them around on a leash, etc. It doesn't mean they really like all of it but they are very gentle with him and they only react with a lick in the face or run to the other room if they have had too much. In this picture, Sam insisted that Ricther and Buzzy sit with him and read books. That has kind of become a trend lately, he wants Richter and Buzzy to be doing whatever he is doing at the time. It is crazy how clearly he says there names these days. I think the dogs will eventually come to appreciate the extra attention from Sam b/c they just don't get as much from us these days. Sorry dogs!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Time gets away from me

Where have I been that past few weeks? Not blogging, obviously. I went to post today and I didn't realize how long it had been since I had put a new post up- oops. It is not because our life has not been as fun and exciting as it usually is. I mean, look what we did last weekend while at my parents house.
We were all suffering head colds as this glorious cold season has sprung. Therefore we decided to go out and buy earwax candles for all us to clear our heads a little. The kids, as you can tell, watched on in amazement. Nothing like an ear wax party on a Friday night! Wish we could have invited more of you but it was a pretty exclusive crowd- family only:)

Gregg, unfortunately had to miss this excitement. He was in Florida for his annual football trip with all his buddies from NY. It sounds like another fun weekend for the crew: lots of football, beer, and college girls to look at. The guys have already started trying to figure out where to go next year. Gregg may have a more difficult time going after seeing how exciting it came be back here when he is gone.
More post to come soon!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The last nice day?

I have a feeling this could well have been the last nice day we will have this season. Sam, Aunt Suzy, and I got out and enjoyed it. We spent the afternoon at the park in New Town. Sam had a blast, I think Suzy and I were tired just watching him running from thing to thing. On top of that he was very insistent on us going on the slide, swings, etc with him. Suzy and I did get a little nervous about pushing the weight limit on the equipment when he made us both go across the bridge with him at the same time. This poor boy doesn't get his way very often, does he? I guess I should be working on it but it is too hard to tell that sweet little voice no right now. I know my sister can't say no to "Su-Su come on, slide!"

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

It was a fun Halloween on Suffolk Drive. We did not officially go trick or treating but Sam did run around the court with all the neighborhood kids and got lots of candy.
He started the night as a sweet little bear.

Midway throught the night we changed costumes. We were talking to one of our neighbors last week and she was mortified b/c her teenage kids both wanted to be gangsters for Halloween. We thought we would make her feel a little better....

Our jack o lantern

Thankfully I did not take any pics later in the night. All of the parents in the court put the kids to bed and came back out with the baby monitors on them. We sat around a fire pit in the middle of the court talking, laughing, and maybe having a few drinks into the wee hours. Our neighbors are so much fun but Mommy is taking a nap when Sammy does today.