Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pumpkins, a victory, and a birthday.

On Saturday, we took Sam to pick out a pumpkin (of course it ended up being a few pumpkins). While walking up to the huge selection of pumpkins, Sam yells out "wow". This is now what he says to anything new he sees. If any of you have spent a morning with Gregg as he watches Sportscenter highlights, you will know exactly where he gets this phrase from.
Sam had a blast picking out the pumpkins and found two that he just could not put down. He insisted on carrying those pumpkins to the car and then attempted to carry them around the neighborhood when we got home and was playing with the neighborhood kids. Suprisingly, he did not insist on taking them to bed with him.

We ended yesterday by having some friends (mainly our neighbors)over for the Mizzou-Nebraska game. We had a great time and enjoyed every moment of that victory! Go Tigers!! It was a shame I had to wake up and work this morning. I have to admit that having to work today was probably for the best- many of you know that I can get a little too carried away celebrating a Tiger win over the Cornhuskers.

and last but not least:
Happy Birthday Todd!!!

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