Thursday, October 30, 2008


While carving our pumpkin the other night, this is what Sam kept repeating over and over: "mess, mess". I have to kind of agree with him, it is a mess. He was brave and stuck his hand in the pumpkin a few times to clean out the stringy mess but soon decided that gathering the pumpkin seeds was a much more pleasant job. Mommy got stuck with the messy party of the job. We think he did enjoy the whole thing, at least after we cleaned up the "mess".

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Its on me...

Sam so kindly paid for our dinner while we were in Columbia. I am so glad he is able to pitch in during this down economy.

Monday, October 27, 2008


We had a great weekend. Homecoming was fun, although we didn't even stay to watch the game. My parents, Gregg, Sam and I tailgated and drove to Marshall before game time to watch the game from the comforts of my parents home. We decided it would get a little too cold for Sam. It turned out to be a good decision because I picked him up from daycare today and there was a note telling me he was running a 102d fever. I am sure sitting out in that cold would not have helped this oncoming illness. Plus, the game was a blowout and Sam loves being at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Sitting on the columns!


We snuck Sam on a few floats for some pics on our way back to the car.

This was actually on our way to the game- you would think this would be taken after a few hours of tailgating.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Homecoming here we come!

We are off to Columbia for Homecoming weekend. It will be the first year in a long time that we are going to go early for house decs and the whole sha-bang. It should be a fun weekend and please Tigers we need a win! We should have some fun pics to post when we get home.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Enjoying Fall

Some of the neighborhood kids raked up some leaves for Sam to play in the other day. He had a blast! I don't know if I have mentioned how awesome our neighborhood is. Not only are there lots of younger kids around his age, there are 4-5 kids around the ages 10-14 and they just love Sam. It is great they come running over when they see us come home to play with him. I am able to unload my groceries, get dinner started, while Sam is outside playing with the older kids. Not to mention our handful of very responsible high school aged kids who love to babysit. We feel like we live in the perfect neighborhood.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Too busy playing to blog

Sorry I have been so bad over the past few weeks. I was out of town this past weekend. We had our 2nd annual girls weekend at the Lake. My mom, sister, aunts, and cousins all go down for a weekend of fun, shopping, and lots of laughs. It was a fun weekend again, I always go home sore from laughing so much. Sam and Gregg had a fun weekend together. They got lots of father-son bonding in. Sam did say his first four sentence while I was gone, "I want my Mommy". Hearing that while you are out of town is enough to break your heart. While I did have fun being away, I was so glad to see my boys when I got home.
I have had a light schedule at work this week so Sam and I have done lots of playing. On Tuesday we spent the morning at the zoo and today we went with the Winkers to the Museum of Transportation. Sam had so much fun at both places. He is at such a fun age. He takes off running to see everything and gets so excited that he can't stop giggling. He is such a happy little guy- I sure hope he stays this way.

The penguins: of course the fake ones were just as exciting as the real penguins

Not sure what we are looking at here but it was just good to get a pic of him looking at an animal. He would go look at an animal for a short time, turn around to me and say "other one", that meant it was time to move on to another animal.

This is the excited look he usually has on his face but as you can see I can never capture it because he is usually so excited that he is running to whatever he sees and giggling

Sam and Ben playing at Creation Station in the Museum of Transportation

Checking out the trains or "choo choos" as he says.

Monday, October 6, 2008

My little helper?

Sam has really been into "helping" the past few months. He loves helping me unload the dishwasher, put clothes in the drier, dust, sweep the floors, or assist in whatever I am trying to do at the moment. Don't get me wrong, I do want to encourage this while he enjoys doing it. The other day, I was folding laundry and he of course decided he needed to help me with this. He proceeded to pick up shirts and shake them out and do his best attempt at folding them. After a few attempts at the shirts, he takes a pair of my underwear and a sports bra and puts it over his head and than starts stuffing socks down his shirt. I'm not really sure what to think about the whole thing, pretty strange but it was funny.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pumpkins, a victory, and a birthday.

On Saturday, we took Sam to pick out a pumpkin (of course it ended up being a few pumpkins). While walking up to the huge selection of pumpkins, Sam yells out "wow". This is now what he says to anything new he sees. If any of you have spent a morning with Gregg as he watches Sportscenter highlights, you will know exactly where he gets this phrase from.
Sam had a blast picking out the pumpkins and found two that he just could not put down. He insisted on carrying those pumpkins to the car and then attempted to carry them around the neighborhood when we got home and was playing with the neighborhood kids. Suprisingly, he did not insist on taking them to bed with him.

We ended yesterday by having some friends (mainly our neighbors)over for the Mizzou-Nebraska game. We had a great time and enjoyed every moment of that victory! Go Tigers!! It was a shame I had to wake up and work this morning. I have to admit that having to work today was probably for the best- many of you know that I can get a little too carried away celebrating a Tiger win over the Cornhuskers.

and last but not least:
Happy Birthday Todd!!!