Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Talk like a Pirate Day!

Man, I have been a slacker with the posting this week. I really don't have a good excuse except that I have been working on getting the bathroom painted. It always turns into a bigger deal than it should in our household- being that Gregg nor I are the least bit handy. Oh well I think we are in the home stretch.
We are packing the car to go to Columbia for the weekend. Tonight we are headed to a Talk Like a Pirate Day Party. Did you all know today is Talk Like a Pirate Day? I was not aware of this holiday (if you can call it that) but my good friend Sarah Cleary's Dad is a very big fan and puts on a party every year. This will be our first time attending and we are very excited.
On Saturday, we are going to the Mizzou game and are excited to meet up with family and friends. Busy as usual in our world but all fun and we wouldn't have it any other way.
I am sure we will have lots of pics to share after the weekend. Boy am I going to get points from Gregg for posting this pic of Sam in his Giants jersey!

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Arrr, me want's to hear more about this here Pirate Holiday. If you don't post pics from the party I will make you walk the plank!
