Sunday, September 28, 2008

Busy Week For Mommy!!!

As you can tell with no post's being written yet this week, Mommy's been on the go all week long. A week ago Friday we took Sammy to his first "talk like a pirate day party" in Columbia. While Sammy wasn't looking the part, he sure didn't have any problems playing the part with Keller's father. That was followed with some time with Aunt Ashley and Uncle Wade and the Mizzou Football game.
On Tuesday, Rikki went over to Kelly's for a "Southern Living" party. Is it just St. Louis, or do women everywhere come up with party ideas for a salesperson to sell something to them just so they can all get together? Rikki has had about 6-8 of these in the last 6 months. What's wrong with meeting up at a bar? Ok, so i am probably missing the point. It's not the first time or the last.
Thursday after bringing Sammy up to our volleyball league, Rikki and I went to see Pat Green play (country artist) at Harrah's. Great time, great music, and set the stage for a LONG Friday at work for me.
On Saturday, Rikki's social calendar had Bunko night with the girls in the neighborhood. We didn't gamble a bit at the Casino the night before, yet the next night Rikki walks home a winner of $10!!!!!!!!! Meanwhile, i was introduced to Root Beer Floats (root Beer Schnapps style) by a neighbor. No need to say anymore!
And lastly, the family went up to a festival Saturday in the next neighborhood over. After meeting up with half of our neighbors, 5 hours later we got home. However there was plenty of time for Sammy to run around the grass, have a front row seat for the concert and become part of the entertainment on stage!

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