Monday, September 29, 2008

Lamaze class reunion

There were a few girls from our Lamaze class that reconnected shortly after we had our babies. This has been the best group of girls. We email each other often, although not nearly as often as we did during the early months with questions, problems, things we were going through with our babies. It was kind of our own little support group to ensure us new Mom's we were making the right decisions, etc. We still try to get together periodically to catch up and see how all the kiddos are doing. Even if it doesn't happen as much as we would like. The dads even have a good time getting together now.
On Sunday we got together and once again had a great time. Unfortunately a few couldn't make it and were greatly missed. It was so fun to see all of kids running around and talking. It is crazy because there are already two girls from the group that have had a second child. We were all glad to meet the two new little girls.
I hope we all get together again soon.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Busy Week For Mommy!!!

As you can tell with no post's being written yet this week, Mommy's been on the go all week long. A week ago Friday we took Sammy to his first "talk like a pirate day party" in Columbia. While Sammy wasn't looking the part, he sure didn't have any problems playing the part with Keller's father. That was followed with some time with Aunt Ashley and Uncle Wade and the Mizzou Football game.
On Tuesday, Rikki went over to Kelly's for a "Southern Living" party. Is it just St. Louis, or do women everywhere come up with party ideas for a salesperson to sell something to them just so they can all get together? Rikki has had about 6-8 of these in the last 6 months. What's wrong with meeting up at a bar? Ok, so i am probably missing the point. It's not the first time or the last.
Thursday after bringing Sammy up to our volleyball league, Rikki and I went to see Pat Green play (country artist) at Harrah's. Great time, great music, and set the stage for a LONG Friday at work for me.
On Saturday, Rikki's social calendar had Bunko night with the girls in the neighborhood. We didn't gamble a bit at the Casino the night before, yet the next night Rikki walks home a winner of $10!!!!!!!!! Meanwhile, i was introduced to Root Beer Floats (root Beer Schnapps style) by a neighbor. No need to say anymore!
And lastly, the family went up to a festival Saturday in the next neighborhood over. After meeting up with half of our neighbors, 5 hours later we got home. However there was plenty of time for Sammy to run around the grass, have a front row seat for the concert and become part of the entertainment on stage!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Talk like a Pirate Day!

Man, I have been a slacker with the posting this week. I really don't have a good excuse except that I have been working on getting the bathroom painted. It always turns into a bigger deal than it should in our household- being that Gregg nor I are the least bit handy. Oh well I think we are in the home stretch.
We are packing the car to go to Columbia for the weekend. Tonight we are headed to a Talk Like a Pirate Day Party. Did you all know today is Talk Like a Pirate Day? I was not aware of this holiday (if you can call it that) but my good friend Sarah Cleary's Dad is a very big fan and puts on a party every year. This will be our first time attending and we are very excited.
On Saturday, we are going to the Mizzou game and are excited to meet up with family and friends. Busy as usual in our world but all fun and we wouldn't have it any other way.
I am sure we will have lots of pics to share after the weekend. Boy am I going to get points from Gregg for posting this pic of Sam in his Giants jersey!

Happy Friday!

Monday, September 15, 2008

More pics from the wedding

I don't have any pics myself today to share but I wanted to share the blog of the photographer from the wedding. She posted a few sneak peeks from the wedding today on her blog and said she would have more tomorrow. She is an awesome photographer! We had family pics taken by her last fall and we absolutely loved them. Now she has taken my sisters engagement pics, Ashley and Wade's wedding, is going to be the photographer for my sisters wedding, and many of our family and friends have seen her pics and met up with her on her many travels for a photography session. If anyone is wanting family pics, etc I would highly recommend her. Not only is she a wonderful photographer, she is a lot of fun too. She is from Iowa but travels all the time, she has stopped in St. Louis a few times on her way to somewhere else just to take some of my friends, families pics. Anyway if you get a chance to check her out, I think you will like her. Her website is

Friday, September 12, 2008

The best sound in the world

I hope it is always this easy to make Sam laugh. Watch out Richter and Buzzy because he laughs hysterically at anything that involves tormenting those poor dogs. And yes, b/c I know we will hear comments from some of you.......Gregg and I are finding new ways to entertain ourselves on Friday nights.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Check out these body mechanics!

Grandpa gave Sam one of the watermelons he grew this year. He really thought he could lift this watermelon that is bigger than him. We did bring it home and were able to give some to all the kids in the neighborhood and still have half a watermelon. It is very tasty watermelon if anyone wants any, I think we still have more than we can eat.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Check out these moves

I think I finally figured out how to load one of these videos of Sam dancing at Ashley and Wade's wedding. He has some killer moves- I think he may have inherited his Daddy's dancing abilities. He has been to 2 wedding with us and both of them he have literally had to drag him off the dance floor- he loves it. This was the best video I could get b/c as you can tell, early in the night the kids dominated the dance floor. I am not sure who had a better time the kids in the beginning of the night or the adults on the dance floor late that night. Which ever you decide they were all throwing down some pretty crazy moves.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Ashley and Wade's wedding

Ashley and Wade's wedding was really a great event. Ashley is quite the planner. She had everything ready to go and was very organized. I know Ashley and Wade are enjoying their honeymoon right now because they really worked hard to pull off a great wedding weekend.
We were very proud of Sam. He actually walked all the way down the aisle for the ceremony. We were kicking ourselves that we were not able to get it on camera but that was difficulty since Gregg and I were both in the wedding party. He was a little distracted in the beginning and totally threw Molly (the flower girl) for a loop b/c she turned around about 1/2 way down the aisle but Sam looked around and just kept walking. Soon after he walked down the aisle Grandpa got out of his sit to get him. He sat quietly watching the ceremony for the rest of the wedding
Here are some pics from the day.

The Gauldin Family

For some reason Sam loved rubbing Tyler's head; Tyler (our cousin) was standing by him during some pics and he just kept reaching up to rub his head

Ashley and her two sisters, Jamie and Lindsey

Sam dancing with our cousins little boy, Chase. I know you can't see Chase's face but you can definitely tell these two little boys are related

The brothers and their boys: Gregg and Sam, Todd and William (Gregg's brother and nephew)

Sam and Molly (the flower girl, my cousins little girl) working hard on something at the kids table