Thursday, February 5, 2009

Mamas night out

This past weekend I met up with some my friends from college in Columbia. We don't get together as much as we used to, as we are all are married and most of us have kids. It used to be several times a year we would get together for weddings, showers, etc but now even the baby showers are dwindling down.
We had a fun night out. The night started by going to the Mizzou-Baylor basketball game. That game has now invigorated my love for Mizzou basketball. After watching the win last weekend I was on the edge of my bed watching the Mizzou-Texas game last night! It was pretty late before I could get to sleep last night.
After the basketball game we hit some of our old drinking establishments. We made it to Harpo's, Black and Gold, Shiloh and even ended the night at the Diner with the ever famous "stretch" (all of you Mizzou alumni will be familar with all of those fine establishments). We acted like we were in college for another night but we all did not quite recover the same the next day. Thankfully, Gregg understood when I had to take a nap as soon as I got home.
It was a fun night, lots of laughs with some of my favorite people. I hope we can get together again very soon!

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