Friday, February 27, 2009

Go Tigers!

In honor of Mizzou's basketball team making an appearance in the top 10, here are some pics of Sam's first Mizzou basketball game. We took Sam to his first game on Valentine's Day (also Gregg's birthday). Sam was totally enthralled by the whole experience. He was content for a majority of the game sitting on our laps and just watching everything (sitting still is very unusualy for this kid). He loved Truman, the cheerleads, the band, and of course the basketball game.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

birthday pics

Sam blew out the candle before we even finished singing Happy Birthday.

Elmo arrives at the party.....Sam is a little freaked out by Elmo

but he will take a present from him.....
after Sam opens the presents, he keep repeating "Elmo go bye-bye"

Sam telling Logan, it will be OK, "Elmo is bye-bye"

Logan is a little smitten over Eli

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday, Sam!

Sam turned two today:( sniff, sniff. I still do have a few hours of him officially being one, as he was actually not born until 11:12 p.m. I really don't need to get upset about until tomorrow, right?
Sam had a great birthday weekend. We had lots of family and friends here to celebrate. He was even lucky enough for "Elmo" to make an appearance at his party. I think Elmo become much too real for Sam when he showed up to his party. I don't think he really envisioned Elmo being adult sized in real life (I don't know if any of us really do, but hey that is the only costume they had for rent). Sam now talks like he enjoyed Elmo being there but he was definitely not too keen on him at the time. When he showed up to the party Sam clung tightly to me, would not hug him but he did not take his eyes off him the entire time he was there. It was like he did not trust that crazy red monster for a second. Finally, he started telling Elmo, "Elmo, go bye-bye" over and over until Elmo finally decided it was best to leave. Oh well, we got some funny video that I am sure he will enjoy watching in a few years.
Here is a little clip of Sam from today. I will post more party pics in the next few days.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I was a little nervous this morning when I asked Sam how he was going to smile for his pictures today. As you will see on the video, he gave me the cheesiest smile ever. This was by far the most challenging photography session with Sam, but they did still get some great shots. His 2 year old pictures are now complete, how did he grow up so quick?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009



Go Tigers! Boy was that fun last night. I have to admit I gave up on the Tigers several times but did thankfully watch the game to the end. I was really dragging today but definitely worth it. Gregg and I are heading to Columbia for the game on Saturday- it will be our Valentine/Gregg's birthday celebration. They better pull out another W for us!

Mr. Manners

Sam has made us so proud lately (not that he doesn't everyday), he has become very polite. Now he is saying "thank you" and "please" unprompted. The person he is thanking does not even have to be with him at the time.
For example, the other morning, we were getting dressed and he insisted on picking out his clothes. He picks out a shirt that my parents gave him and somehow remembers who gave it to him (this kid remembers everything!) Sam than proceeds to say, "Momma, Papa! Thank you, Mama. Thank you Papa". I guess he is very thankful to may parents for giving him that shirt, it is definitely one of his favorites.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Mamas night out

This past weekend I met up with some my friends from college in Columbia. We don't get together as much as we used to, as we are all are married and most of us have kids. It used to be several times a year we would get together for weddings, showers, etc but now even the baby showers are dwindling down.
We had a fun night out. The night started by going to the Mizzou-Baylor basketball game. That game has now invigorated my love for Mizzou basketball. After watching the win last weekend I was on the edge of my bed watching the Mizzou-Texas game last night! It was pretty late before I could get to sleep last night.
After the basketball game we hit some of our old drinking establishments. We made it to Harpo's, Black and Gold, Shiloh and even ended the night at the Diner with the ever famous "stretch" (all of you Mizzou alumni will be familar with all of those fine establishments). We acted like we were in college for another night but we all did not quite recover the same the next day. Thankfully, Gregg understood when I had to take a nap as soon as I got home.
It was a fun night, lots of laughs with some of my favorite people. I hope we can get together again very soon!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My brrr....

A conversation with Sam from this past week:

I say to Sam: "I am cold!"
Sam says, "No, Mommy, my brrr!"

I guess that is another way of saying, "I'm cold". In fact, I really think it may become some sort of new slang term for cold.