Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We had a very Merry Christmas in the Jost household. Sam was so much fun this year. He go sooo excited over all of his gifts and opening presents. We got to spend a lazy Christmas morning in our p.j.'s, playing with Sam's new toys. Gregg's side of the family than came over for the rest of the day. Sam was so tired by the end of the day from an exciting day of presents and playtime with his cousins. Unfortunately, during all of the excitement Sam has come down with a nasty head cold (runny nose and cough). He just has bad luck- he has been so healthy since Thanksgiving- oh well! We all enjoyed having Grandpa Jost and Uncle Scott come and visit from NY. Now it is off to Marshall for the Gauldin family Christmas this weekend. First we are trying to enjoy a quiet day here to hopefully deliver a healthier Sammy to my parents. I am pretty sure that Santa is making another stop at my parents house tomorrow!

Merry Christmas to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Just have to point out greg's belly shot in the pic of Sam opening a gift
