Sunday, August 31, 2008

Let the season begin!!

What a fun weekend! Julie and Jeff Hagar (friends from college who lives in Atlanta), my parents, and Gregg's cousin Amanda (who goes to school at Truman) all came and stayed with us this weekend.
My parents were nice enough to watch Sam while Gregg and I went with the Hagar's to the Mizzou-Ill game. Of course my parents (and Sam) did come in the afternoon for some tailgating but left before the game to watch the game from the comforts of our living room. From what I hear Sam did stay awake for a lot of the game and loved to yell "Touchdown!"
We did a lot of tailgate hopping at the stadium and were able to meet up with a lot of friends and family. My sis, Suzy and Clayton and the Mignerone's also went to the game with us. Of course we enjoyed the Mizzou victory- Go Tigers!!

Sam and I are headed to Marshall on Wed to help prepare for Wade and Ashley's wedding. I am sure we will keep you updated and have lots of pics/stories to tell after the wedding.

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