Thursday, June 11, 2009

The start of a bad habit

Sam has over the past week been a little more difficult to put to bed. He tries to extend how many books we read, doesn't want to get out of the bath tub, wants to go say goodnight to everyone again. In other words, he tries to find ways to push back his bedtime. On top of that over the past few days, he keeps calling out "Mommy, Daddy" after we put him to bed. I know I probably should just ignore it and let him just to get to sleep. The last few times he has done this have been when Gregg is not here, and I am just not very strong on my own. I need Gregg to give me the moral support to ignore Sam and let him go to sleep on his own. So, anyway I have been going in there to check on him. As soon as I get in there, Sam says "Mommy I need to cuddle you". How do you turn that down? Than of course I end up rocking him and cuddling for way too long. It is so cute, but I know I am probably starting a very bad routine. I just look at him cuddling with me and know he won't want to do that forever so it is sure hard to put him back to bed. Oh well, I am sure this will also pass but I think I might enjoy for a little while I can.

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