Wednesday, May 6, 2009

We're back!!!

I apologize as I have not been on to blog in a very long time. I am going to try to get back on track.
Things have been a little crazy lately, Gregg got laid off from Charter, I went back to working fulltime, then Gregg found a job (very quickly I might add).. He will be selling advertising for ESPN radio (101.1), the same line of work he was in a Charter. We feel very lucky to be out of work for such a short period of time and that I was able to go back to fulltime work without any difficulty. This just goes to show what a great leader Gregg is in his field of work, he was talking with companies about job possibilities days after he was laid off. We do believe things happen for a reason, Gregg is very excited about his new job opportunity and he would not have attempted looking for a job in this economy if he wasn't forced into it like he was.

So now we are adjusting to both of us working fulltime again. It just requires a little more teamwork and running more errands in the evening. It has not been a difficult adjustment for Sam, he loves going to "school" (daycare). Gregg and I are also adjusting fairly well, we are just very tired.

Well here is a little recap in pictures of the month of April:

A trip to the Magic House

Looking at the giraffes at the St Louis zoo

Visiting the Easter Bunny

Hunting for Easter eggs at Grandma and Grandpas
Watching a concert in Newtown

Eating dinner in the backyard

Our swingset Flying a kite in the backyard

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