Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day weekend fun

Despite the fact that I had to work the entire weekend and Gregg had a monster sized honey do list, we managed to have a little fun this Memorial Day weekend.

The neighbors invited Sam over to play on their water slide/pool. He had a blast. This kid is definitely all boy and fearless. I wish I would have gotten video of him on the slide, b/c his giggle after going down each time was priceless.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Suffolk Court is newsworthy

Sorry no pics yet of the wedding from this past weekend. Everything was perfect and Clay and Suzy are enjoying their honeymoon in Jamaica now. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera this weekend so I am waiting on others for pics. Hopefully I can post some soon.

In the meantime, here is an article from the St. Louis paper today. It is actually all occured on the court we live on. Read on, pretty interesting. We are so proud of the kids in our court for speaking up and allowing us to keep our basketball hoops!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

9 days until the wedding!

Suzy and Clayton are getting married in 9 days! Wow, the time has gone by so quick. I can't believe it is almost upon us.

This past weekend, we made a trip out of Mount Pleasant Winery (the site of the ceremony)
to do some last minute planning/preparations. Everything seems to be in good order. While we there we of course had to also enjoy some of their wine. Doesn't everyone look totally stressed?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

We're back!!!

I apologize as I have not been on to blog in a very long time. I am going to try to get back on track.
Things have been a little crazy lately, Gregg got laid off from Charter, I went back to working fulltime, then Gregg found a job (very quickly I might add).. He will be selling advertising for ESPN radio (101.1), the same line of work he was in a Charter. We feel very lucky to be out of work for such a short period of time and that I was able to go back to fulltime work without any difficulty. This just goes to show what a great leader Gregg is in his field of work, he was talking with companies about job possibilities days after he was laid off. We do believe things happen for a reason, Gregg is very excited about his new job opportunity and he would not have attempted looking for a job in this economy if he wasn't forced into it like he was.

So now we are adjusting to both of us working fulltime again. It just requires a little more teamwork and running more errands in the evening. It has not been a difficult adjustment for Sam, he loves going to "school" (daycare). Gregg and I are also adjusting fairly well, we are just very tired.

Well here is a little recap in pictures of the month of April:

A trip to the Magic House

Looking at the giraffes at the St Louis zoo

Visiting the Easter Bunny

Hunting for Easter eggs at Grandma and Grandpas
Watching a concert in Newtown

Eating dinner in the backyard

Our swingset Flying a kite in the backyard