Monday, February 25, 2013

I am finished!!!!

I have been really, really bad at updating this.  I thought this would make it easier somehow to keep everyone updated but the problem is that I have to actually find the time (and energy)to sit down and type something.

The good news is that I finished my last round (6th round) of chemo this past week.  Sam and I had a big day of celebrating on Friday.....his 6th birthday and my last day of chemo!  We went to celebrate on Friday night at Dave and Busters (Sam's choice).  On Saturday we also had a fun adult day.  Gregg and I, along with my parents, Wade and Laura, Suzy and Clayton went down for lunch on the Hill and than to see the Book of Mormon at the Fox.  We had a great day and the show was hilarious.  I think laughter is usually the best medicine.  I really felt pretty good that hold day, which I was very thankful for.
The past few days, I havent felt quite as good but still not terrible.  I am mainly just tired and a little nauseous.  Luckily, I have the best parents in the world who stayed until today to help us out.  I really don't know how we would get through all of this without them.  They drop everything to help us out....with the kids, meals, everything!  I just wish I knew how to ever thank them enough for everything.

I saw my oncologist, as I always do before each round of chemo.  She was a little concerned before this round as my white counts/neutrophils have dropped to a low range.  She actually almost held my chemo until next week.  Instead, she decided to go ahead with getting the chemo and than I had to go in today to get a shot of Neulasta which is supposed to help bring my counts up.  She said there is often the side effect of bone pain due to your bone marrow being stimulated.  I am hoping to avoid this but only time will tell as she said it takes a few days for the side effects to occur.
It really surprised me that my counts were so low.  I have been feeling very good and I have avoided several colds the boys have passed around.  The only thing I can say is that all of the prayers I have been getting plus everything I have been doing with my alternative Dr are paying off!
Tomorrow is a follow up with Dr Yu (my alternative Dr) tomorrow so I will be interested in what he has to say.  I know he will probably want to keep up all the IV's I do with him for a little while to get my system built back up.  At some point, I think I will need a break from all of the IV's though, my veins are shot!
The plan from here with my oncologist is to go back in 4 weeks to follow up with her.  At this appointment, I will get a PET scan and labs to make sure that the chemo continued to work.  I will than have to do "maintenance" which will be one round of Rituxin every 8 weeks.  This is not a true chemo drug and has much fewer side effects.  So that being said, I think the hardest part of all of this is behind me.......wooooo hooooo!!!

I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe in all this crazy winter weather.  Hopefully, the next update will come sooner than this one!