Sunday, April 11, 2010

Half Marathon

After 12 weeks of training, Suzy (my sister), Maureen (my neighbor), and I finished our first half marathon. When Suzy brought the idea up to me late last year, I just kind of laughed. She slowly worked on me until I agreed. I never thought at that time I would be able to finish it or that I would enjoy it. Today was such a neat day.....the weather was great and I really enjoyed the entire race (minus a few hills). I am very proud of us. Thanks Suzy for encouraging me to do it and thanks Maureen for being my partner in training. I'm already looking forward to our next one!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend was a very exciting weekend in the Jost household. Rikki and I were confirmed in the Catholic Church Saturday Night and Sammy, in addition to being welcomed into the church, had 2 full days of Easter! Mama, Papa and Uncle Wade came to town. Between them, Aunt Suzy and Uncle Clay, the neighbors and all of the Josts (Todd's family and the 2 of us), Sammy was spoiled more than normal

Sammy Chilling with his glasses and his Easter Suit courtesy of Papa Jost
Enjoying a "Big Milk"

The Gauldin Girls looking good! (if i were to call them the Golden Girls, which way would that be taken?)

All the Gauldins

Family Pic before Easter Vigil

Sammy with the Jost and Winker Kids