Monday, March 22, 2010

Sam's birthday party

I know a lot of you will find this very out of character for our family but Sam's birthday party theme was Mizzou.....specifically Truman. I was excited when a few weeks before Sam's party, Gregg comes home and says that he found a "Truman costume" to rent. Talking the night before the party, Gregg all of the sudden announces, "you know it really doesn't look like Truman, right? It is just a tiger costume but I thought we could just say it was Truman". Let's just say, that Sam was not fooled at all by this Truman, in fact he was scared to death of it. It is not a bad looking tiger, but it was pretty scary.

Sam is in the pic with the tiger but not happy to be there (and would only sit there if an adult was with him, Thanks Aunt Suzy)

We could not talk him into this one above with the rest of the kid. It think we have learned our lesson on the life sized characters showing up to his parties. He was terrifed this year and last year by his surprise guests (last year it was Elmo). We are going to have to figure something else out for next year. We will look back and have lots of laughs though.

The spiderman pinata (Sam above, William below)

Out of all of the nice gift/toys he received for his birthday, playing with the cheap helium balloons we bought to decorate, were the high light of the night for him.

Sam turned 3!

I was giggling looking through these pics. We were trying to get a pic of Sam hold up "3" for his 3rd birthday party invitations. As I think is he case with most 3 yr olds, capturing a good picture was not exactly easy. Here are a few of the outcasts:

The winner was:

They probably will not like this pic in a few years but it is pretty darn cute right now!

We got to celebrate my birthday with my family and the Winkers. We enjoyed a dinner, beverages and a Tiger victory together. Sam, Ben, and Eli have become quite the little buddies and kept each other entertained for most of the dinner

Butterfly House

These pics are old but I am trying to do a little catch up. We enjoyed a cold, winter day off from work at the Butterfly house with Aunt Suzy. It was a nice little get away from the reality of the cold St. Louis weather. Sam thought all of the butterflies were pretty cool too!