Monday, August 31, 2009

I like to ride my bicycle

Sam has really gotten the hang of riding his big wheel. Once he was finally able to reach the pedals he just took off on it. He got the bike for his birthday in Feb, and has just been scooting along on it with his feet until the last few weeks. By the way, he usually does wear a helmet, I was a bad Mom tonight (we forgot).

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Another prayer

I am sensing a theme to this night time prayer routine. Sam's prayer tonight was:

"Thank you God, for hotdogs. Amen."

I starting to wonder if we need to start pushing a healthier diet with this kid.

Friday, August 21, 2009

What do you say?

Well, I wasn't going to tell this story but Gregg thought it was hilarious and needed to be posted on the blog. We were just home from work the other day and our dog, Buzzy, must have been a little excited over something. I can't really come up with a way to say it in a nice way but , the dog had a red rocket sticking out. Sam turned to me and says, "Mommy, is Buzzy pooping". I didn't even know how to explain that one, all I could say was "No, Sam, that is not poop" A topic for later date.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Thank you God....

We have been trying to get Sam to say a prayer with us every night before bed. Tonight he finally contributed to the prayer. He says....

"Thank you God, for pizza."

I think he finally understands and we can now definitely say that he is his father's son.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Potty time!

One of the good things that came out of July was that Sammy suddenly became potty trained. He totally amazed us. Sam asked about wearing underwear so we let him try it a few evening at home and he did great. He than begged to wear underwear to school one day so we gave it a shot. I pick him up that evening and find out he has used the potty all day without one accident. Ever since he has done awesome with only a handful of accidents (and most of them have been pretty understandable). I guess he was just ready and I am sooo thankful he was this easy.

He even did great using the potty on our camping trip. Like a bear in the woods:


Monday, August 10, 2009

Hello August!

Hello everyone! Did you think I had totally given up on the blog? Well, I kind did during the month of July. It was a bad month and we are glad to have moved onto August. Now back to blogging too.

Here is a quick little catch up from the month of July.

4th of July Party in our court:

Camping in Columbia:

Botantical Gardens with Mama and Papa:

Happy Birthday Papa!:

Leaving Grant's Farm with Sam's buddy, Ben: